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Number of recruits:1人

Ask for qualifications:Junior College

job requirements:

1. College degree or above, major in chemical engineering;
2. More than 3 years experience in chemical production process;
3, hard-working, honest, pragmatic, with a high sense of responsibility.

Job Responsibilities:

1, support the company's quality and environmental policy;
2. Assist production supervisor to manage the operation process;
3, strict implementation of safety procedures and equipment operating procedures;
4, supervision and inspection of the operator's implementation of the process, the area of responsibility for cleaning and finished products;
5, to assist the production supervisor to do a good job in the production process of the safety work and the operator's labor protection appliance is the standard use;
6. Assist production supervisor to manage the production quality system;
7, in the scope of this position and the possible occurrence of the loss of monitoring and management;
8, complete other tasks assigned by superiors.

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