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Passion melting team cohesion to create the future



A piece of iron can be the same, saw financial loss, can also be a team, toughened and hardened into steel; the same can be commonplace, can also achieve great accomplishments. For unity and mutual trust, strengthen the sense of teamwork, strengthen executive power, improve employee's working enthusiasm, around the corporate culture of "Tokujitsu wide benevolence, specializing in induced sperm" and "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith" is the quintessence of expanding training activities.
8 the morning of September 9, 2016, Tian Group under the jurisdiction of the company's management, the backbone of the staff more than and 50 people braved the rain autumn starting to expand the base in Tieshan Province, we began a two day outdoor training and training.
The theme of the event: melting team, challenge themselves, create brilliant.
The activities include: intelligent grid, blind square, password analysis, trust back fall, the air bridge, the dragon sea, honor the wall and other seven projects. The training division introduced the origin and development process of training, and then through a series of lively activities, create a team atmosphere, establish mutual trust into training, then the players were randomly divided into three teams, a team of warriors, the eagle and eagle team two. In the event of the three team members whole-heartedly, team work, mutual trust, give full play to the team spirit, to overcome the difficulties, the completion of each project. The players in the practice of learning, learning in the experience of change, benefit from a lot of life with more insights. After experiencing the joy of success, dedication, teamwork, and courage, everyone is deeply aware of the importance of responsibility, collaboration, and self-confidence, as well as the responsibility to be a member of the team.
In particular, the last project: honor wall. Let us recognize the cohesion of a team
The importance of team goals and the sense of standardization system strict with oneself, understanding and execution. Thanks as ladder base member, when trample on their shoulders and more than and 50 companions, the sand covered with sweat, clothes, shoulders were trampled out red blood, they are for the benefit of the team "self sacrifice, selfless dedication" of the spirit for the success of the team.
Through training project experience, we beat the demons, by the great fear of heart to fearless, experienced psychological and physiological tests, realize self understanding, self challenge, beyond the self, the more melting a strong, excellent team unity.
Left the training field, return to a broader working environment, as long as we exert mutual trust team spirit, each piece of work is to develop training as a challenge in that it can not overcome the difficulties, it does not solve the problem, we believe that the Tian family will be more beautiful tomorrow!


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